24 hrs agoLiked by Nico Pei

Per 1.2: Not sure there will be much demand from large merchants as they are paying ~50bps for credit and ~10bps for debit https://blog.starpointllp.com/?p=6348

Add to that the (current) lack of rewards and purchase protection for consumers. That said, stablecoins do enable people without cards to transact which is a huge opportunity for PSPs like Stripe.

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Could you elaborate on how the significantly lower fee is achieved? The part that’s paid to the payer’s issuance bank can’t simply be waived by a deal with v/ma

Personally I think chargebacks is a bug instead of a feature. Funds should be insured by cryptography instead of having a centralized system actively mending.The current card system is way too easy to fraud charge. Processing these chargebacks is an expensive pain in the ass for cardholders, banks and merchants

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Largest merchants have negotiated discounted rates. Re: chargebacks, agree that they are a pain but they enable consumers to feel comfortable transacting with unknown merchants, especially online-only ones.

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since the 300bps fee is paid to issuance bank, v / ma, and merchant bank, i don't understand how a deal with v / ma can lower it to 50 bps

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9 hrs agoLiked by Nico Pei

"Each merchant is able to negotiate its own card acceptance costs with its acquiring bank, and similarly, the merchant’s bank and card-issuing bank are also able to bilaterally negotiate their fees."

Source: https://www.mastercard.us/content/dam/mccom/en-us/documents/Myths-and-Facts.pdf

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